The Future of Corporate Leadership: How Transparency Is Key to Innovation
Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Menlo College Innovation Center

Menlo Park Rotary Club, Impossible, and Menlo College proudly present an unparalleled networking event and keynote panel discussion of transparency in the workplace and its importance to building a successful business model. Several studies have shown that transparency is the number one factor determining workplace happiness, which is directly linked to trust and out of the box thinking - two important drivers of innovation. As consumers are increasingly concerned about such issues as fair labor, sustainable resourcing, and the environment, transparency across the value chain has become key to regain trust and to create a competitive edge.
Featured speakers: Scott Weiss, Kwame Ferreira, Deborah Acosta

Join us for this informative and rewarding event. Click here for more details and to RSVP.